How Pest Inspections Can Save You Money
How to save money with Pest Inspections
Performed regularly, a Pest Inspection is an insurance policy on your property, no matter how new or old. But with so many pest inspection services out there, how do you know which one to choose? It may cost more up front but a reliable pest inspection can save you money in the long run. Here’s why.
Method is king
As licensed builders and building and pest inspection providers, we see first hand how many properties have or are on their way to having a termite issue (roughly one in three). We often encounter the associated problems of not treating or inadequate treatment of pests. The importance of having a regular pest inspection cannot be emphasised enough. Regular inspections will pick up any issues before they occur or in the early stages where they can be quickly and cost effectively treated. There are a number of treatments available but first and foremost, make sure you choose the most effective method of detection.
Blind testing
As the name suggests, walking around a property doing a visual inspection for something you cannot see is almost guaranteed to return questionable results. Ask your provider what type of detection method they will use and steer clear of anyone who suggests they can tell by looking.
Sniffer dogs
While we like dogs and have invested some time into trialling them as pest inspectors, the results, we have to say, aren’t altogether consistent. In our humble opinion, dogs make better pets.
Thermal imaging and Thermatrack
Thermal detection remains the most advanced and reliable method of detecting termites in and around your home or property (it’s important to inspect the surrounding yard for termite activity). BMC Pest Inspections uses the latest equipment and pixel ratio to visually identify and confirm a termite presence.
Ask to see the Data
Thermal detection provides proof. Ask to see the data before you take action.
Detect before you remove
The biggest advantage to thermal detection is the ability to know there is an infestation before you start removing wall lines looking for one. It’s not hard to see the savings here.
Is your Pest Inspection provider licensed to treat as well as detect?
Many properties are not treated properly, especially older houses. Some are treated cheaply, even those that offer a Certificate. Often these come with a ‘Warranty’, usually just 6 months. Far from serving as peace of mind for you, they are a get out of jail free card for the provider, as after 6 months any recurrence is not covered. Compounding the problem, most insurers will not cover you for a termite problem.
Which treatment should you use?
There are many treatment options for termites. A good licensed treatment service will know which one represents the best value for your circumstances. BMC Pest Inspections always return with a follow-up service to determine the ongoing success of the treatment and confirm no further outbreaks.
A licensed Builder knows what to look for
We have 3 decades of building experience. Pest Inspection Services are a natural fit with what we do. We know what we’re looking for and can give you an accurate and honest appraisal of what you genuinely should (or should not) be concerned about.
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